Piko Pendant Tester

Sabtu, 06 September 2008


A Global Company with Great Development Potential

LaVisione is a global company, founded by a group of professionals with combined invaluable experience of more than 100 years in network marketing, to provide the optimal platform for business entrepreneurs to build a profitable global business with its exciting, fast effective and natural products, and create success stories beyond imagination! Yes, SUCCESS is LaVisione's key objective. LaVisione aspires to be the TOP Trend Setter in the industry by employing the latest high technology and networking systems which incorporate the concept of E-Franchising, E-Marketing and E-Trade to unleash the power of New Trend in Network Marketing. LaVisione is the "Perfect Global Vehicle" for serious business builders as the Company is committed to extend its Corporate Partnership perpetually to YOU with the singular purpose of creating Wealth in everybody's interests. Our Founders have Big Goals and Dreams and sincerely desire to share them with others. With their immense experience and expertise in this industry, they are in position to assist, lead and guide more people to reach their Goals and Dreams. With Determination and Tenacity, the World can be Conquered! Malaysia flavored with multi-culture is the favored hub to spring board our innovative products into the global market. Aided by our up-to-date technologies and skills, our Business Partners can go international and reach people around the world with ease. We warmly welcome YOU to join us as our Business Partners, and in becoming the new generation of Millionaires!


Yang Berbahagia Faizal bin Sultan

He has been a community leader serving the country for many years. Served in the recent election commission of Titiwangsa through the security committee. He has been in the UMNO secretariat from 1987 till 1999. He has also been a business advisor for property developers, property and real estate. He has vast experience and wide contact in business field. With his vast exposure in business community in Malaysia, he is ready to lead and assist LaVisione to achieve more success in near future.


Yang Bertugas Noralizah Bte Hamad

She’s very talented & business lady who had an astonishingly varied exciting and successful career. With her 20 years’ experience in business management which she started by age 24 in helping her parent’s Pharmaceutical business. Now, she runs a number of her own businesses, like Advertising lab, etc. She handles supplies, stationary supplies, military supplies, etc. Nor Liza recognizes it’s the friendly, helpful and hardworking people in her profession industry that make it what it is. She strongly believes that by giving guidance and opportunity to others is the essence to dreams comes true. Quote from her: “What we need are the right people on the ground around the world, pitching Malaysia companies and forming relationships.”


Piko Pendant adalah suatu piranti berteknologi Piko & Far Infrared yang mampu memecah molekul air sampai pada ukuran sangat kecil/sangat halus.

Sehingga memungkinkan untuk diserap lebih cepat oleh tubuh kita.

Piko Pendant terbuat dari 100 Mineral sehingga ringan & tidak berkarat. Bahan dasar pembuat Piko Pendant terdiri dari serbuk batu-batuan seperti Tourmaline, Germanium & batu dari larva yang mengandung serta memancarkan Infra Red permanen

Manfaat Mempergunakan Piko Pendant :

vMeningkatkan fungsi imunisasi dalam tubuh

vMemulihkan kelelahan ketika berolahraga seperti otot tegang dsb.

vMengubah tubuh daripada keasidan kepada kealkalian

vMengurangkan tegang & stress, sehingga lebih mudah tidur

vMenghalangi terkena pelbagai penyakit

vMeningkatkan gelombang alpha ke otak, sehingga meningkatkan IQ & EQ

vMenghilangkan penyumbatan dlm arteri & memberikan kelenturan kepada kapilari.

vMelindungi DNA (Sel Darah) dari kerosakan

vMampu mengisi celah pada jaringan tubuh bila ada yang telah rusak

vMenambah kekuatan anti rapuh
Bekerja secara efektif sebagai anti-depresi
Menghilangkan radikal bebas di sekitar tubuh
Membantu menghilangkan rasa sakit di kepala (pening, migraine) Detoksifikasi setiap sel dalam tubuh
Meningkatkan tenaga serta energi sel ke tahap ideal antara 70 hingga 90 milivolt

Memerangi kanker karena sel kanker merupakan sel energi rendah
Mempercepat serapan & asimilasi sel
Sangat baik untuk menjaga serta menstabilkan sistem syaraf
Memberi rasa segar pada makanan dan minuman yang dimakan
Meningkatkan oksigen ke saluran darah
Memberi kekuatan serta kelenturan kepada otot dan tubuh kita
Melindungi tubuh dari gelombang berbahaya daripada alat electronik

Menjadikan :
1.Tubuh lebih segar, sehat dan aktif
2.Kulit lebih segar dan cantik
3.Tampak lebih awet muda
4.Mempercepat proses pembuangan toxic (keringat atau air seni).
5.Melindungi tubuh dari RADIKAL BEBAS.
6.(Menolak ION POSITIF – Menarik ION NEGATIF).
7.Menguatkan fungsi otak & daya ingat.
8.Membantu penyembuhan : kanker, artritis, rematik, Batuk & Asma, Radang Insomnia, Migran & Depresi,
Stress & Hipertensi, Pegal-pegal & Kelelahan dan lain-lain.
9.Meningkatkan kekuatan phisik & seksualitas.
10.Tidur lebih nyenyak.

Piko Pendant ini akan membantu :
~System metabolisme tubuh
~System peredaran darah
~System hormonal
~System saraf, otot, dan tulang
~System pertumbuhan pada anak
~System reproduksi / seksual

Pendapat Para Pakar Mengenai ANION = Ion Negatif :

•Dr. Ulrich Warnke, M.D.- Magnetik To Overcome Pain-The New Healing Methode, mengatakan bahwa : ” Energi anion memiliki efek yang menguntungkan terhadap sirkulasi darah, Aliran Limpa, Produksi Hormon, Saraf dan otot.”

•Dr.Robert Holcomb, M.D.-Assistant Professor of Neorology di Vanderbilt University Medical Centre. Mengatakan bahwa : “Ini bukan keajaiban, tidak ada yang mistik mengenai hal ini…. Kami sudah menguji anion ke lebih dari 5000 pasien dan sungguh tidak ada keraguan…. Proses penyembuhannya nyata..!”

•Ronald Lawrence, M.D, Ph.D Professor di UCLA School of Medicine, mengatakan bahwa : ” anion 100% bebas dari efek samping”.

Informasi mengenai anion (ion negatif) yang berdampak positif dapat anda searching di web diantaranya juga dapat dibaca di www.udarabersih. wordpress.com


Hasil Penelitian ANION pada PIKO PENDANT dari KIFA (KOREA FAR INFRARED ASSOCIATION, Korea Institute of Far Infrared Applied Estimation)

<= Hasil uji Anion : over 2000 ion per cubic centimeter

Hasil uji 2
Energi piko pendant dalam batas aman

Best Energy and Safest is between 0.9 to 1.0

Uji 3
Perubahan dalam gelombang otak setelah memakai Piko Pendant

Sebelum pakai PIKO Pendant dan Setelah pakai

Hasil ujian mengesahkan keberkesanan Piko pendant pada kondisi kesehatan
dan juga daya tumpuan mental

Uji 4
Menggunakan Wihelm Orgone Meter untuk mengukur peningkatan dalam tenaga

BEFORE: In the figure male subject is shown. The average energy data indicates an overall low energy for this subject by 20%. Energy is particularly subdued above the heart and below the solar plexus. Specifically, there is a particularly strong reduction in the energy of the naval and genital regions.

AFTER: Looking at the energy body from the front, his field begins to expand 12 inches above the head. A noticeable peak can be
observed at eye level. The throat region shows a gradual increase with a peak at the base of the neck as seen from the rear,
roughly corresponding to the "assemblage point" . Forward expansion continues peaking at the solar plexus while, at the rear, the
energy peaks at the naval. The energy body then draws inward around the genitalia and reaches a minimum in the mid thigh.
From the average energy data, we can see that the male has his highest energy level at the naval followed by the solar plexus
and heart. There is a drastic difference in ENERGY Level before and after wearing the PIKO Pendant.

Setelah memakai PIKO Pendant, penggumpalan sel-sel darah merah akan terurai menunjukkan kemampuan untuk berfungsi dengan lebih baik

PIKO Energy is an active invisible force just like the electric current with a
powerful electrical charge and the PIKO Energy becomes the driving force to bring
back our lives and health. It also fills up any vacuums space that it occupies.


Mengukur adakah bahan berbahaya (radioisotop)radioaktif :
Hasil : 0,01 mC1 (dalam batas normal / Aman)

Test menggunakan Survey meter
Sinar Alpha yang baik bagi Kesehatan Meningkat (terutama Melancarkan Sistem Peredaran Darah)



Pembelian 3 piko pendant sekaligus (1 nama) akan
mendapatkan free 1 piko pendant dan 1 Tup

(Harga 1 piko pendant = U$D 188 dan Harga 1 Tup = U$D 122)

Saatnya untuk memberikan hadiah terbaik di Bulan Ramadhan dan Hari Raya nanti
kepada Orang tua, Saudara, Sahabat dan teman anda ...
segera manfaatkan kesempatan terbatas
hanya di Bulan Ramadhan ini

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